Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning
Regression and Classification
- Regression vs classification
- Cost function
- Gradient Descent
Multiple Variable Regression
- Vectorization
- Gradient Descent with multiple variable
- Feature scaling
- Learning curve
- Feature engineering
- Polynomial Regression
Logistic Regression
- Regularization
Machine Learning Yearning
Development set and test set
- test and development
- single number evaluation
Error analysis
- eyeball and blackbox test
- mislabelled data
Bias and variance
- Optimal error rate
- tradeoff
- technique to optimize
Learning curves
Shows if we have high bias or high variance
Human level performance
Helps to determine the benchmark
Train data at distribution
The challenges, and the things to address (put some test data in training data to avoid overfit)
Data mismatch
Use training dev set to debug
Artificial data beware
Optimization verification
Use the score to apply both human result and test result to debug what to improve: the score algorithm or the learning algorithm
End-to-end deep learning
Tradeoffs between end-to-end deep learning and pipeline model
How to debug on pipeline